Would the apostle Paul have been procecuted if he had lived in Sweden today?
SUPPOSE THE APOSTLE PAUL had lived in Sweden today, and had written his letters and sent them out or published them - had there been any reason, according to Swedish law, to procecute him?
Probably a procecutor could find quite a lot in Paul's writings, and surely also in the rest of the NT, to raise charges against.
Actually, much of what Paul wrote was written in prisons. Although he didn't break any of the commands of God, he was still seen as guilty of several crimes in the societies where he lived and preached. It even went so far, that he was condemned to death and was executed.
Let us play procecutor, and see if there is something in the letters of Paul, which is punishable according to the present Swedish law.
The first you think about is of course the words in the letter to the Romans, chapter 1, from the 18:th verse to the end of the chapter. A procecutor particularly would have focused on verses 26 and 27:
"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."
Paul is speaking of humanity in large, fetching his examples from the OT, from the time before and after the Great Flood. The reason he is doing this is that the mentioned "abominations" were widely present in Rome, the society his letter is addressed to.
A Swedish procecutor thus would have showed that Paul not only quoted the Bible, but that he also elaborated on the text and applied it to the contemporary time. He added his own opinions and interpretations, which clearly must have been felt as grossly insulting for them who were exposed to them.
Paul isn't even making any efforts to point out that his words aren't meant for everyone. Paul "generalizes".
In the last verse in the chapter he also says that they who he accuses are worthy of death. This cannot be seen as anything else than to incite against this group of people. "Hets mot folkgrupp", thus.
There are other examples on how Paul is "attacking" groups and peoples of different cultures. He calls the population of Crete "liers" and "beasts". Everyone of them, he makes no exceptions. He also accuses his own people, the Jews, in a way that could be seen as antisemitic, if it were taken out of its context.
According to Swedish law one is to consider the purpose of an act. The difference between a real "agitator" or an antisemite, and a person who is critisizing others for a missionary purpose, should be clear to procecutors and courts. But from what has been seen so far, that understanding is missing, or it is neglected.
Of course Paul was neither a rasist or an antisemite or a gay-hater. He wrote what he wrote aiming to the repentance, protection and blessing of people. Their way of living clearly was harmful to themselves and others, and therefore he was plighted to show them the right way, and particularly those who belonged to the assemblies he were in contact with.
According to history the roman emperor at that time was a homo- or bi-sexual. This was common in the Roman culture and especially among people of high ranking. It was also during this emperor's time, that Paul and many other Christians were executed or murdered for their faith. In one of Paul's letters it is revealed that within the family of the emperor there were persons who had become Christians. Then it is also possible that the emperor knew what Paul had written in his letter to the Romans.
Even if it isn't mentioned anywhere that this was the reason for the execution of Paul, one still can expect that it didn't make him very popular in the eyes of the emperor.
The same can be true today. Among the procecutors and lawmakers and politicians who are conducting this incitement against Christians and Christian preaching, there are probably quite a lot who are homo- or bisexual, and perhaps in many cases pedophiles.
Because the practices of courts in Sweden differs so much, the law can be interpreted nearly as they like, depending on the one who is to judge. Often a higher court changes a lower courts' sentence. There doesn't seem to be a clear conseption on how to judge, inspite of all having the same law book. This gives ill-willing persons in high positions opportunity to conduct their own agenda, and to exploit the strechability of the law against certain persons or groups.
There is also something called "prioriticing of certain crimes", which means that the authorities are ordered by the government to fight particular crimes, and then of course, look away from others.
This inspite of the fact then, that everyone shall be equal before the law.
This circumstance is a fact in Sweden today. "Hate crimes" are prioriticed, and further, it seems to be done without making any difference regarding the purpose, as I mentioned above. And other crimes are not investigated at all. This implies that there are personal motives behind. It can be political, for example old social-democratic agressions against Christendom, and it can be sodomitic, through the probable presense of persons among law makers and officials, who are of a free minded sexual orientation.
A foreign example of that is Belgium, where the pedophile and child murderer Detrouix have wittnessed that he had dealings with persons of high ranking in the belgian society. They will deny this, of course, and they also have the power and possibility to do so. The greater number they are, the greater are their possibilities.
Of course Belgium is not isolated, the same must be true in other countries as well.
As a suspicious example from Sweden, one can mention the so called "Homo", (Ombudsman for homosexuals), who were one of those in the RFSL, who in its early history propagated for pedophilia. How can he have reached such a high position, if he's not protected by others?
The desisive point in this whole situation that has come to be in Sweden, seems to be the inability, or unwillingness, to see to the purpose of an act. Although, as we've seen, there are several charging points even against Paul, most rightly minded people today realizes that Paul's motives were good, and that he was benificiary to the society by converting people, often from criminality and prostitution, to be honest, working, and helpful members of the society. He hadn't the purpose to incite hatred, to insult or speak ill about anyone.
Everone with an objective view then should be able to see and admit, that this is true also regarding today's preachers. If someone is blind to this or is neglecting it in some way, it is an indication there is a hidden agenda. They want to get to the Christians, just because they are Christians. And who's inciting who then?
Thus it looks as there is a hidden, by the authorities protected and unrighteous plan, to turn media and society against Bible believing Christians. And then the situation is not unlike that during the before-mentioned Emperor.
If someone is wondering what his name was, it was Ceasar Lucius Domitius Nero.
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